About us

Our mission is to empower data users

We are a small company based in Canberra, Australia.
We are committed to creating and continuously improving effective learning methods to improve data user competencies, cultivate a data culture, and advocate for data in action. We promote online knowledge and awareness of the impact of data, data insights and data trends.
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Ultimate Distance Training

Welcome to our online school, where data professionals and enthusiasts share knowledge and learn together.
Our philosophy

We believe all data is important

People often consider an organisation’s assets as cash, inventory, buildings, equipment, and other tangible assets. However, the most critical assets that can make or break the success of today’s businesses are data and the people who use it. In a proactive organisation, data should be underpinned by skilled, data-savvy employees to unlock a culture of investment, improvement, and innovation. 
Our team

Highly qualified teachers

Our teachers are highly experienced professionals acknowledged in their field, but also passionate about data. They combine a can-do spirit with professionalism and accuracy in everything they do. Experienced in government and corporate environments, our qualified individuals have the expertise to deliver high-quality teaching material, that corresponds to the highest standards of modern data practices. Their goal is to provide you both with a solid theoretical background, and a set of instantly applicable tools and practices.
“The ability to take data – to be able to understand it, to process it, to extract value from it, to visualise it, to communicate it – is going to be a hugely important skill in the next decades.”
hal varian,  chief economist - google
Are you ready to join us?

Start developing your data skills now

We will help you unlock your inner potential working with data so you can excel within your organisation.

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Data for every generation. Data for every organisation.
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